You CAN make money on the internet. People do it all the time, every day. Some people program and design websites, and make big bucks. Some people write freelance and make big bucks. Some people freelance and make smaller bucks, but it's still good money, and they don't have to be as good as the really professional freelancers (more on that later -- it's how I've been paying the bills.)
But other people don't have the time or inclination to make money that way -- they want a little extra with a few minutes a day.
Well, I make an extra 10 bucks or so a day doing very little -- which is 300 dollars a month for not very much work. Want to know how? PTC (Paid to Click) websites.
Elebux is the latest PTC in the style of Neobux and Onbux, and it has improved on the model. 4 ads a day at one cent per click, and cashout instantly at $2. There are 4 upgrade levels, with the first costing the same as Onbux's Golden, and with the same benefits. The big difference is the rented refs -- from my experience as well as many others', they are averaging 3.25! Which is HUGE. If you are upgraded you are paying 20 cents a month for a ref, and earning 97.5 cents a month! A modest investment in 100 refs will earn you over 97 dollars a month from refs alone! Sound good? How about I make it better? Click the banner to the right or the Elebux link above and join under me, and I'll give you 10% refback. That's right, for every hundred clicks you make I'll give you 10 cents to your Paypal! Please make sure SaphireScorpion is in the field as your referrer, and email me at with "elebux ref" in the subject line to let me know you've signed up if you want the refback!
Onbux works the same way as Elebux, but the rented refs are less active. Mine average about 1.85, which still makes a generous profit, and is still better than Neobux! Earning 25-40 bucks a month with 100 rented refs still sounds good, doesn't it? And I will honor my 10% refback deal for Onbux as well! Just make sure SaphireScorpio is in the referral field when you sign up, and email me at with "onbux ref" in the subject line if you want the refback!
Jillsclickcorner is an aurora site that has over 150 ads EVERY DAY, even for standard members. Now, these ads aren't worth a lot, but they add up to about 10 cents per day, even if you have no refs and no upgrade. AND, unlike other PTCs, you can have as many ads open at a time as you want, so open 10 at a time and it doesn't take you any longer to click than any other PTC. With no minimum payout, you can get paid as often as you want! They've paid me about $8 so far. Think about it: with no upgrade or refs at Neobux, it takes almost 2 months to reach $2 and get your money. I get $1 at least twice a month from Jills.
Did you think you could make 30 cents a day from a PTC, with no upgrades or referrals? Well, you can. Logiptc has a toolbar you can install on your computer which tells you when there are new ads -- which is almost all the time! So surf the internet, but keep one eye on the toolbar -- because the ads are all 1 cent or 0.5 cents so it adds up fast! Cashout is $5 but you'll get there quickly.
I'm making over $120 a month now doing practically nothing -- and so can you if you join up, and keep following this blog for tips and strategies.
I blog, therefore I am.
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